This is a simple modification of original "Championspawn.cs" with adding of "Traps Spawning"and "Rock Spawning" (if Champion type is AbyssalInfernal) Every appear of "Red Skull" some traps spawn on the Champion Region (4min 10 max). If Champion type is AbyssalInfernal every appear of "Red Skull" some Rocks, Blood, FireField and Poison Field spawn on the Champion Region. (according to Champion Level). There is 5 type of Traps : - FireColumnTrap - GasTrap - GiantSpikeTrap - SawTrap - SpikeTrap All Traps was removed after "Champion Boss Kill" or "Champion Reset". If Champion is AbyssalInfernal All Rocks, Blood, FireField and Poison Field was removed after "Champion Boss Kill" or "Champion Reset". In this modified version i create a new "Champion Reset System" : after 2 champion spawn decrease, the champion altar will Stopped ( only if Kills = 0 and Level = 0).