Hey All, Here's an idea I had to implement `Feats` into UO. This system is Incomplete, I will be working on it, however I thought I would release it as it is, so you guys can work with it aswell. Unless you have an Orc Race - All references to orc, will need to be commented out. In this system I have managed to write: •BaseFeat - All Feats are derived from this class. •RegenHits Feat - Untested! This is meant to work by allowing quicker health regeneration during combat. •Resistance Feat - Untested! This is meant to add resistances to the carrier. All feats are weightless and invisible. I have written the command - [feats to open up the feats gump. I have only written the Human Gump for now, and the Passive Feats. 1 Example Active Feat Uploaded. Passive Feats Include: •Advanced Healing - Regen Hits (Explained Above) •Healers Oath - Increases Healing cap to 120, Anatomy Cap to 120 but reduces Macing Base and Cap to 0. •Inscription - Increases Inscription Cap to 120. •Chemical Science - Add 30 to Alchemy and add Mortal and Pestle to Backpack. •Elemental Resistance - Resistance (Explained Above) •Furniture Staining - Adds Furniture Dye Tub to Backpack. •Leather Dying - Adds Leather Dye Tub to Backpack •Enameling - Add Armor Dye Tub All Dye Tubs have been Included which is required for this release. I will be working on it when I can. Limited Support will be available. To show what power this system can provide, here is an example of what I call an `Active` Feat as it requires player interaction to use.