Hi guys, Im here to post a script for enable Minotaur Champion on Labyrinth Dungeon. I use a script made by "ABCGizmo on RunUO Forum" and i apply to this some modification, to create 3 spawn of different type of Minotaur (Minotaur - Minotaur Scout - Minotaur Captain), controlled by Champions Kills Number. Every type of Minotaur increment Champion Kills by 1; Beetween every Spawn Change, 4 Message was sent to all player. ( see UOGuide for information about Champion Message) If Champion Kills is > 20, spawn various Minotaur. If Champion Kills is > 60, spawn various Minotaur Scout and Minotaur. If Champion Kills is > 120, spawn various Minotaur Captain, Minotaur and Minotaur Scout. If Champion Kills is => 200, spawn various Meraktus. After "Meraktus Death", spawn was reset to 0 and stay Deactive until Champion Kills is < 20. After spawn initialized a Timer was active to control if Champion was continue and if nothing player was found on Dungeon, the "Champion Kills" was Reset. I add the instruction to Activate this Champion in Zip File.