Found This and got it working for ForkUo! This is a simple player mobile edit, simply add the line below and it will make all swamp tiles static and non static poisonous. There is Swamp Boots Included as a rare and will allow players to walk over any swamp tiles reflecting the poison. This is not my script,all i did was get it working for ForkUo. I hope you enjoy it as much as we do. Replace your - public override bool Move( Direction d ) WITH, Code: public override bool Move( Direction d ) { NetState ns = this.NetState; if ( ns != null ) { if ( HasGump( typeof( ResurrectGump ) ) ) { if ( Alive ) { CloseGump( typeof( ResurrectGump ) ); } else { SendLocalizedMessage( 500111 ); // You are frozen and cannot move. return false; } } } TimeSpan speed = ComputeMovementSpeed( d ); bool res; if ( !Alive ) Server.Movement.MovementImpl.IgnoreMovableImpassables = true; res = base.Move( d ); Server.Movement.MovementImpl.IgnoreMovableImpassables = false; if ( !res ) return false; m_NextMovementTime += speed; /////////////////////// begin playermobile Move addition // 'Move( Direction d )' seems to be called when the player moves. if ( this != null ) SwampCheck( this ); // for poisonous swamps /////////////////////// end playermobile Move addition return true; } // begin poisonous swamps private static void SwampCheck( PlayerMobile from ) { // poisonous swamps... Mostly. // basic sanity checks if ( from == null ) return; // wtf? O.o; // don't poison staff // if ( from.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster ) // return; // if the player is dead, don't poison them. Thanks GrayStar! :> if ( !from.Alive ) return; // don't poison a poisoned player. if ( from.Poisoned ) return; // no swamps on the internal map. if ( from.Map == Map.Internal ) return; // is the player wearing swamp boots and not mounted? Item shoes = from.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Shoes ); if ( shoes != null && shoes is SwampBoots ) return; // find out if the player is moving over a land/terrain (ground), static/frozen (dungeon) swamp, or static/unfrozen/added swamp. // initialize common variables. Map map = from.Map; //is it a land/terrain swamp? LandTile lt = map.Tiles.GetLandTile( from.X, from.Y ); if ( IsDeepLandSwamp( lt.ID ) && lt.Z == from.Z ) { if ( Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.15 ) { // poison player from.Poison = Poison.Regular; from.SendMessage( 33, "You were poisoned by the swamp!" ); return; } } else if ( IsLightLandSwamp( lt.ID ) && lt.Z == from.Z ) { if ( Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.05 ) { //poison player from.Poison = Poison.Lesser; from.SendMessage( 33, "You were poisoned by the swamp!" ); return; } } // is it a static swamp? StaticTile[] tiles = map.Tiles.GetStaticTiles( from.X, from.Y ); for ( int i = 0; i < tiles.Length; ++i ) { StaticTile t = tiles[i]; ItemData id = TileData.ItemTable[t.ID & 0x3FFF]; int tand = t.ID & 0x3FFF; if ( t.Z != from.Z ) { continue; } else if ( IsDeepStaticSwamp( tand ) ) { if ( Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.15 ) // 0.15% chance { //poison player from.Poison = Poison.Regular; from.SendMessage( 33, "You were poisoned by the swamp!" ); return; } } else if ( IsLightStaticSwamp( tand ) ) { if ( Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.05 ) // 0.05% chance { //poison player from.Poison = Poison.Lesser; from.SendMessage( 33, "You were poisoned by the swamp!" ); return; } } } // is it an added swamp? IPooledEnumerable eable = map.GetItemsInRange( new Point3D( from.X, from.Y, from.Z ), 0 ); foreach ( Item item in eable ) { if ( item == null || item.Z != from.Z ) { continue; } else if ( IsDeepStaticSwamp( item.ItemID ) ) { if ( Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.15 ) // 0.15% chance { // poison player from.Poison = Poison.Regular; from.SendMessage( 33, "You were poisoned by the swamp!" ); return; } } else if ( IsLightStaticSwamp( item.ItemID ) ) { if ( Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.05 ) // 0.05% chance { // poison player from.Poison = Poison.Lesser; from.SendMessage( 33, "You were poisoned by the swamp!" ); return; } } } eable.Free(); } private static bool IsLightLandSwamp( int itemID ) { if ( itemID >= 15808 && itemID <= 15833 ) return true; if ( itemID >= 15835 && itemID <= 15836 ) return true; if ( itemID >= 15838 && itemID <= 15848 ) return true; if ( itemID >= 15853 && itemID <= 15857 ) return true; return false; } private static bool IsDeepLandSwamp( int itemID ) { if ( itemID >= 15849 && itemID <= 15852 ) return true; return false; } private static bool IsLightStaticSwamp( int itemID ) { if ( itemID >= 12809 && itemID <= 12810 ) return true; if ( itemID >= 12882 && itemID <= 12905 ) return true; if ( itemID >= 12912 && itemID <= 12933 ) return true; return false; } private static bool IsDeepStaticSwamp( int itemID ) { if ( itemID >= 12813 && itemID <= 12881 ) return true; if ( itemID >= 12906 && itemID <= 12911 ) return true; return false; } // end poisonous swamps Then add the swamp boots to customs folder and restart!