This is a revamp of the InteriorDecorator.cs script. This has the extra commands to move stuff N/S/E/W (which I did not do myself and have forgotten where I got that part of the script from). What I did add was the Lock, Secure, Release, & Trash options. Unlike the old Interior decorator, this one has the gump stay open instead of the having to keep double-clicking the tool. So you can just press the button, do the action, and press the button again if needed. As you can see I change the name and appearance because I was always annoyed with the painting tray image used. Just overwrite your current file with this one. Make sure to go into the vendor scripts that sell the Interior Decorator and change the image shown when shopping to 0x1EBA. It is not detrimental if you do or don't, just a cosmetic thing. Reboot and manage your house a little easier.