Introduction I've made this one to break the loop from the client start music. Forcing the server to play a town theme for the players when they join the game. Installation Just drop this script somewhere in you Scripts folder. Configuration Code (csharp): public static class Config { public static bool PlayRandomMusic = true; // Should we play a random music from the list? public static MusicName SingleMusic = MusicName.Stones2; // Music to be played if PlayRandomMusic = false. } By default, it will play a random music from the list. Code (csharp): public static MusicName[] MusicList = new MusicName[] { MusicName.Stones2, MusicName.Magincia, MusicName.Minoc, MusicName.Ocllo, MusicName.Skarabra, MusicName.Trinsic, MusicName.Yew, MusicName.InTown01, MusicName.Moonglow, MusicName.MinocNegative, MusicName.ValoriaShips }; But if you set PlayRandomMusic = false it will play the classic Stones song. The complete list of musics available can be found on the Server/Region.cs core script.