Completely Automated Staff Team! - Oh yes, I did.

Discussion in 'Custom Script Releases' started by Tresdni, Jan 17, 2011.

  1. Tresdni New Member

    Great gumps :)

    There is tons and tons more functionality possible to this system. The idea hit me one night, then I got to cracking on it. I released to you guys this base version so you could make it suit your needs on your shards. I'm very happy that you guys are getting use out of this.

    Remember, this system is very simple as released, but you can add on literally any type of function to these guys! Get creative!

    Also, I do agree with Sythen about the buttons as keywords...also it makes the system a pain to add in new words. As is, I can add about 20 new key words in the matter of minutes :)
  2. James420 New Member

    Adding new keywords/buttons wouldn't be to hard to add at all if you moved to an attachment sort of system for each new function. And as you said, the ideas are limitless. The only major change I've made to this. Is that I've made it so you have to hit a new designated button on the help menu to summon the staff bot. So they don't always summon it when they don't want it.
  3. Erucid New Member

    I got none of that in my PlayerMobile.cs. :-( Actually, I got NONE of the parts after this part in my PlayerMobile.cs. I did have the first 2.
  4. James420 New Member

    Post your player mobile file and someone here will show you where the edits need to go.
  5. JamzeMcC New Member

    Got to using this and noticed that this overrides the region checks in the stuck menu. Players can use the Staff to get out of dungeons and even Jail. I personally dont allow recalling out of any dungeons do I just left it this way. If your server is different, you may want to add a Map check in. Also, I dont have reds restricted to fel, if you do, you may want to add a kills >5 (or what ever your server is) To just restrict Jail and dungeon use go to Staffbot.cs ( or StaffMember.cs if you use the update posted by Sythen.) and change the "Stuck" case to look like so...
    case ("stuck"):
                            if (from.Region is Regions.Jail || from.Region is Regions.DungeonRegion || from.Region is ChampionSpawnRegion)
                                Say(String.Format("Hah, you cannot escape so easily my precious!", args.Mobile.Name));
                            if (m_Gated == false)
                                m_Gated = true;
                                StuckGate sg = new StuckGate();
                                sg.Location = args.Mobile.Location;
                                sg.Map = args.Mobile.Map;
                                Say(String.Format("Stuck, huh?! This gate will transport you to safety.", args.Mobile.Name));
                            Say(String.Format("I've already sent you a gate out of here, please be patient.", args.Mobile.Name));
                            Say(String.Format("My mana won't regenerate for thirty minutes.", args.Mobile.Name));
    You also need to add

    using Server.Regions;
    using Server.Engines.CannedEvil;
    To the top of the script.
  6. Tresdni New Member

    Nice little addtion, it's good seeing people add on to this system. Love it, in fact :)
  7. Sythen New Member

    Thanks JamzeMcC for this update
  8. Sythen New Member

    Allow me to bump this thread with a slight adjustment to this system:
    If you're like me and you get tired of this GameMaster bot spawning on your head everytime you press that help button then open up your HelpGump.cs and.... the following edit will make your GM spawn 5 tiles away from you! :)

    Look For This Edit:
    StaffBot sb = new StaffBot();
    Underneath That Line, Add This Code:
    sb.Location = new Point3D(e.Mobile.X, e.Mobile.Y + 5, e.Mobile.Z);

    Underneath That Line, Change This Code:
    sb.MoveToWorld( sb.Mobile.Location, e.Mobile.Map );

    The Entire Segment Should Read Like This:
    StaffBot sb = new StaffBot();
    sb.Location = new Point3D(e.Mobile.X, e.Mobile.Y + 5, e.Mobile.Z);
    sb.MoveToWorld( sb.Mobile.Location, e.Mobile.Map );
    e.Mobile.SendGump(new StaffKeyWords(e.Mobile));
    pm.LastTimePaged =DateTime.Now;
  9. James420 New Member

    Shouldn't you check to see if the staffbot would fit in that location first? Not that it wouldn't still work if standing inside of a wall...just would look better if it didn't spawn there. =P
  10. Sythen New Member

    well under that type of analysis :rolleyes: you could always fix the situation in 2 ways: (to answer your question: If you'd like to add a check, then be my guest and add one :D ).

    the first is by moving your character to a location that has a bufferzone of 5x5 (like the middle of a room or refrain from paging in or next to buildings - lol) three-hundred and sixty degrees around your toon.

    the second is you can change the Y+5 to Y+1 and then you'd have to be standing next to a wall for the GM to spawn into it... so simple solution - don't stand next to a wall :p

    lol the idea is relatively simple... the gm won't spawn on top of you.
  11. Erucid New Member

    Attached Files:

  12. Diviny New Member

    Is there a way of using both standard and automated staff system in my server?
    Automated for simple questions and standard for real staff answers...
  13. James420 New Member

    Yes, you can do it a few ways if you want. You could modify the current help gump to have a new entry for summoning the automated staff. Or mod it so that it will open the old help menu if they already recently summoned an automated staff member, meaning during the cool-down time it has you could open the original help gump. This is the quick mod I did for my shard till I have time to do what I want with the system.

    Or you could even just add a command to the new automated staff to open the old help gump. But that would mean they could only access the old help gump when they could summon the automated staff, which wouldn't be very effective.
  14. seanandre New Member

    Man this is awesome! ROFLMAO! And funny too! I wish I had thought of this. Thank you for coming out with it.

  15. Sythen New Member

    Tresdni’s Complete Automated Staff
    Taken To The Next Level! Edited By: Sythen (A.A.R)

    Modification Features:

    · The gamemaster keyword gump no longer opens when you summon the npc via the help menu buttons, I’ve changed the way it opens:
    o The staff keyword gumps will open and close automatically/passively depending on how close, or how far, you are from the npc.
    o I modified GameMaster npc keywords to assist with server related issues like reporting players, teleportation and relocation stuff.
    o I added and modified the Counselor npc’s with their own set of keywords that aim to assist players with gaming related questions.

    · Staff members now both behave as vendors with their own SBInfo’s:
    o I modified them to have VendorAccessLevels
    § Vendors will now only sell to players and staff members who have equal or higher AccessLevel privledges than what is set in their VendorAccessLevels property.
    § This modification affects all vendors server-wide and not just these automated npc staff members.

    · Staff members both have a ‘Talk’ feature on their context menu properties.
    o This will bring up a, “Thank you for supporting our server” type gump and a bag button underneath that. Players may only click the bag once every month to receive a special gift.
    § Server owners can play with the gift deed included in this modified system or they can replace it with their own gift deed and/or gift item. The idea is to reward players for choosing to play on your server as opposed to someone elses.
    · The gift deed included on this system can be modified if you like it. I made it so it starts off as a scroll, then when a player double clicks it, the scroll becomes a deed, then when that happens a gump opens with a number of spaces for gift options; each space is a blank button that you can place a picture on to depict the gift each button will offer. I’ve included the original gumpstudio file to do this with. If a player opts not to receive a gift from the deed just double click the it and it’ll turn back into a scroll. I thought this was kinda cool J
    · GameMasters can now retrieve bodies for free and pets for a price, in addition they can relocate you if you’re stuck OSI style… meaning that instead of a stuck gate, your toon/character will just be moved from point A to point B in the general area of the GameMaster.
    · GameMasters have a teleport function that is available should a player get lost and need to find his/her way to a common location. Right now all locations are set at the various public moongate locations around Trammel.
    · GameMasters can only be summoned once every 30minutes so their travel systems aren’t exploited. This also means that you can only have them retrieve your corpse and pets once every 30 minutes; so hunt safely!
    · GameMasters can now be summoned to change your password and view your account information from in-game – once every 30 minutes.
    · GameMasters can be used to report players in game using an in-game reporting gump; I also kept the send email function so that screenshots can be sent in addition to submitting the report gumps.

    · Counselors were created to inform players about the servers stat and skill caps, bestiary, and events on the server; likewise they can be useful to offer up a suggestion and/or request a player event where staff help is needed.

    · Counselors will also inform players if the server is hiring or if it is NOT hiring. As well as offer information on possible player contributions. These npc’s are like a mobile player information center or game manual. Oh and a note about Counselors, unlike GameMasters, they can walk around.

    · Both staff npcs will autojail or send your players to a custom location of your choosing should they use any inappropriate words in their presence. The word lists are in both the Counselor_PR.cs and the GameMaster_GM.cs
    o GM = GameMaster NPC
    o PR = Public Relations NPC
    This feature was put into this package because people should mind their manners around staff members! Players will not be autojailed or sent to that custom location if they are not around either staff member npc. If you wish to have other consequences for that action you have to edit the following script file: Scripts/Misc/ProfanityProtection.cs

    · Both staff npcs will say random phrases and more can be added under the ‘Automated Greetings For Players’ Region at the top of the Counselor_PR.cs and GameMaster_GM.cs script files. Just make each new phrase line identical in format to the one (1) line already in the “list” – yes include the comma.

    · As far as the script files themselves, I’ve tried to region out and/or label as many areas as possible so that people can take one or more pieces from this script and create other npc’s with similar features. J

    I didn’t include any promotional items to go with the deeds and I didn’t include any special staff inventory to sell on them. I left it up to the server owners to either utilize the deed or not; but if they choose to utilize it, that requires some knowledge of gumpstudio and a bit of C# programming since you’ll have to code your items and add them to the gump via gumpstudio and a C# editor.
    The easiest idea would be to open the ‘GM_Talk_Context.cs’ (line 148) or the ‘PR_Talk_Context.cs’ (line 141) and replace the deed with something else.


    All Of The Modifications I Made For These Scripts Are Regioned Out. Other Than The Modifications I Mention Below These Files Are Identical To The Ones Found In The RunUO SVN 663 Distribution. These Edits Have Been Tested Only On The SVN.

    So All You Have To Do Is Merge These Uploaded Files With The Files Of The Same Type In Your Server’s Scripts Folder. The Light Blue Lines Below Indicate Where These Files Can Be Found Within The RunUO Scripts Directory Tree.

    Four (4) Edits Total
    One (1) Removed Code Region Within One Of Those Four (4) Regions

    Do A Search: #region Shadows Edge – Automated Server Staff
    Do A Search: #endregion Edited By: A.A.R

    Three (3) Edits Total
    One (1) Removed Code Region Within One Of Those Three (3) Regions

    Do A Search: #region Shadows Edge – Automated Server Staff
    Do A Search: #endregion Edited By: A.A.R

    Four (4) Edits Total

    Do A Search: #region Shadows Edge – Vendor Access Levels
    Do A Search: #endregion Edited By: A.A.R



    [IMG] [IMG]




    Attached Files:

    You, James420, Lord_Velius and 1 other person like this.
  16. Tresdni New Member


    I'm so happy to see someone take my *simple* system to the next level. Very awesome man! That is seriously bad ass. Nice gump work!
  17. Sythen New Member

    hehe i'm happy you like it Tresdni, you had a good idea and I had to roll with it :) I had help though :p The important thing is you created something that is extremely beneficial to everyone, so the real thanks should go to you :) Thank you for coming up with this idea.
  18. Lord_Velius New Member

    I have a question, why MadCowDisease?

    That threw me for a loop, other than that a clean and easy install for the svn setup I'd say.
  19. Sythen New Member

    rofl... a friend's son wanted to show me he could script (cause I didn't believe him), well the 13yo came up with a MadCowDisease - a kryss that moos and an enraged cow to go with it. Thought it was creative so I said why not...LOL :)

    Thanks for your compliment on the system, but the real person who made it all happen is Tresdni, I just added in functions to make it more useful. :D
  20. Lord_Velius New Member

    Most definitely an interesting system.
    I gave a like to the poster, as well to you for the update to it.
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